Wednesday, June 3, 2009

That's not my name

So blogging is relatively new to me, so you'll have to excuse me for the fact that I'm using it more or less like a livejournal just without the emo. I don't consider myself a skilled writer or a person with anything worthy to write. I'm going to settle for using this blog as a creative outlet.

You can't say I didn't warn you ;)

The reason I started this blog is because of my dear friends Martin and Matthew. They are in China and I guess this is the new modern age way of 'sending letters'. That's so last year. Times are changing. Hopefully, my friends read this to maybe get an inside to what's going on with me.

Just a quick intro about myself.

I'm 18 years old, almost 19 in July. I do not want to grow up, I'd like to stay 18-19 forever, please. I am a nursing student which is such a dream come true for me and I've just completed my first year of nursing at Dawson College. I am overly sensitive, analytical and direct. I am also, kind, considerate and open. It takes awhile for me to open up to people ---even though it may seem that I am very outgoing. Just because I talk to you, doesn't mean I trust you :). Sounds a bit harsh, I guess. I've been burned too many times by too many people and so I don't trust easily. I have a summer job as a secretary at a hospital, the same hospital where my mom and dad work. In fact, I am currently working with my mom in the afternoons. She always keeps things interesting. I see things for how they are - and not what others want it to mean. I am always analysing and thinking about things. Being sensitive and overly analytical are a dangerous combo and make people think I'm bitchy. It's something I've come to live with really.

I think that's enough about me, I'll update once I'm done making some confirmation phone calls for Cardiology appointments. Ick.


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