Thursday, June 4, 2009

From Where I'm Standing

Growing up, I witnessed the 'real world' sooner than I probably should have. I went through a lot at an early age which caused some big changes in who I have become (but that's a blog for another time ;)).

I feel that some people I've met really don't have a clue as to who they are - or even worse in my opinion, who they want to be. I've always had ambitions and dreams that I've been working to accomplish. It somewhat surprises me when I meet people who have no idea what they want out of life. It just seems wasteful. That's not to say that I believe everyone should have their lives mapped out, I just think that it is very important to have an idea of where you're going and how you're getting there. It's nice to have surprises in life, but I don't want 90% of my life to consist of spontaneous decisions.

Becoming a nurse has always been my number one goal. Buying my own home would be my second.

Being a nursing student has it's ups and downs so far. Ups mainly consist of - I'm doing what I love to do, I'm passionate about it, I'm working with patients throughout my studies and doing stages, and I'm good at it. The downs are well, applicable for all areas of education - The intense amount of studying, the 40 drugs that I have to know by heart every semester, the exhaustion and all the theory on Orem and crap. It is a lot of work, but school has never been so interesting for me. I am not neccessarily the best student, but I'm intrigued by what I'm learning - which always makes it easier.

Buying a house is also huge to me. I've never really had a house that I grew up in since we moved a lot. I've always wanted the chance to decorate everything to my liking and renovate - which you can't do in apartments that you rent. Not many people my age would wish for things like a house, but I always do.

Again today, I feel misunderstood.

From Where I'm standing reminds me to know that I don't see things the same way as anyone else. Which gives me a lot of calm and relief. It's kind of hard to explain. Knowing that people aren't meant to understand exactly how I understand a situation gives me reassurance. Like that if I see things a certain way and they don't, it's just because I have a different way of thinking and viewpoint and not that they're trying to piss me off. Though I'll bet sometimes they are. It gives me hope in mankind :P. Now if only people could figure out a little bit faster that I'm usually right, the world would be a better place :). Hehe.

I feel that a big problem in the world right now is that we don't take time to take into consideration how others feel. It's always me, me, me. Which at times is very appropriate. But sometimes I feel that if we just took a minute to consider how others might feel, we'd be much better off.

A little off topic here, but I swear some people are bipolar and don't know it yet. Constant mood swings and highs and lows can be really aggravating when you're trying to work with someone. It's like you don't really know whether to say hi in the morning because they might bite your head off or if they are going to be in a great mood. Of course, when I meet people like this, I get very put-off. I start to think they're acting like that only towards me because the dislike me as a whole, but once you look into it a bit more, you see that they're like that towards EVERYONE. It's a little tiring, really. It gets old rather fast. Patience, right?


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